Pine Lodge Assisted Living
Living Options for Every Need

Living options for every need


Welcome to Pine Lodge

Assisted Living Community in Henderson, TX

Pine Lodge offers compassionate care with support for activities of daily living (ADLs) in an intimate community setting. We provide attentive, individualized care that enables residents to thrive in body, mind, and spirit. For every new resident, we complete a thorough health assessment, which provides the starting point for an individual care plan.

In every assisted living community, care is delivered by a full-time licensed nurse and a team of Resident Care Partners. Our communities are staffed around-the-clock, 24 hours a day to provide clinical oversight and coordination of care.

Pine Lodge AssistedLiving Community


1905 Old Nacogdoches Road

Henderson, TX 75654

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Seniors gathering together

Help and Affordability

Seniors and their families often spend more money paying separately for mortgage or rent, utilities, groceries, and entertainment than they would for a comprehensive assisted living environment.

From answering questions about our assisted living communities to providing financial information about the cost of our care, we are here to give you peace of mind and help you in any way we can while you consider this important decision.

  • Respite Care
  • Short-Term Stay
  • Urgent Placement
Seniors gathering together

Services & Amenities for everyday living

Our apartments offer privacy and room for personal treasures that you want in a home and are steps away from amenities, activities and dining. We also have lovely outdoor spaces for relaxing, socializing, and enjoying the fresh air and sunshine.

Get more from your everyday experiences at Pine Lodge Assisted Living Community.

Photo Gallery

Pine Lodge dining room with elegant table settings
Cozy sitting area with two brown armchairs
Comfortable lounge with three brown armchairs
Bright and spacious common area
Modern living space with natural lighting
Welcoming community gathering space
Relaxing seating area with two white armchairs
Elegant lounge area with comfortable seating
Pine Lodge exterior view
Pine Lodge building and landscape

Pine Lodge Assisted Living
Community in Henderson